Motorcycle joys mature with age and experience. Even though I was a fully grown adult when I start riding motorcycles I still had some growing up to do when it came to acting sensibly. I had been interested in riding for years but no one I knew rode a motorcycle until the winter I got a job as a bartender down in Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas. My brother, Brian, was teaching school down there, riding his motorcycle to and from work. That was all the impetus I needed. My time had arrived. At the age of 30, I purchased a… Read more »
Posts Tagged: motorcycle
Take back roads whenever possible
Take back roads whenever possible. I just got back from a five day, 1000 mile long motorcycle trip with my two brothers through a bit of New York State’s Adirondack Mountains. Wherever possible we took back roads. As mentioned in the first blog (The Journey is the Destination) on this website, both of my brothers enjoy motorcycling. Each of us took up the hobby at different times, and has had differing experiences, but because of our common interest we ride together whenever possible. Our usual outings are to visit tri-state markers – just because they’re there – and because their… Read more »
The Journey is the Destination
My two brothers (Brian and Greg) and I have enjoyed motorcycling, cumulatively, for over 100 years. When we can, we ride together. We currently ride cruising bikes capable of limited off-road use to enable us to go exploring. I ride a 1992 Kawasaki 750 Vulcan; Brian a 1992 Honda 750 Nighthawk; Greg a 2002 Suzuki 805 Intruder. We only dare travel 100 miles between refuelings so range is a serious on-going problem especially on our more remote trips. We have explored much of LI from NYC to Montauk Point (check out the dirt trails north of Montauk Hwy. near the… Read more »